For the past 35 years, scientists have noticed the population of sharks have plummeted drastically, to the point of almost 98% extinction. It was due to the no regulations on sharks for the international waters, its a free for all. Which the Hong Kong fish market has capitalized on with the need for shark fins for the fabulous shark fin soup.
However a cause for concern has begin to happen over the last couple of years. Sharks have began reproducing asexually. Females have been producing babies at a dramatic rate almost doubling the amount of accurances over the past 2 years.
Which has led to a cause for concern by the government, thinking that the sharks might have had it and have decide to take back their planet. They have made the call that they hoped they didn't have to make to the retired Aquaman. Whom has been enjoying retired life on the eastern seaboard. Looking for action and feeling that he has a couple of good years left in him, Aquaman has come out of retirement and plans on raging war on the sharks and putting and end to their plan.

The sharks response to Aquaman coming out of retirement to battle them, "We can fly now, come and get us bitch!"