Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Morgan Freeman Narrates His Own Car Accident

On August 4th, 2008 Morgan Freeman was involved in a car crash on a rural Mississippi highway. He sustained a broken arm, broken elbow and minor shoulder injury. Also involved in the crash in the passenger seat, was a female, Demaris Meyer. Found at the crash was a voice recorder, that was recording at the time of the crash. This is from the voice recorder.

"Morgan: I've never had fish tacos like that at T.G.I.Fridays, before. They were amazing.

Demaris: Watch out!

(screaching noise)

Morgan: When Mr. Morgan Freeman was younger, he went to the circus and saw the trampize artists and how happy they were. Well he made pact with himself that day to live life to the fullest and to be as happy as they were. Over the years, he dealt with hardships, and the steps of life...

Demaris: (Lots of screaming) Aggggh!!!

Morgan: ... in life you get to a certain age, when you start to ponder what is next in life. Do you walk on glass hoping and start preparing for the demise or do you live like you are just starting your life, that's at what point Mr. Morgan Freeman was coming to...

Demaris: (More Screaming) Aggghhh!!!! Shut Up!! Shut Up!!

Morgan: ...little did Mr. Morgan Freeman know, but this was a new beginning for him, a wake up call as you will. And as he sat there, with the car turning over in mid air, everything became clear and more crisp...

Demaris: (Just plain screaming.) Aggggh!!
(Car crash sound)

Morgan: ...(screaming) Agggghh, also little did fucking Mr. Morgan Freeman know, is that he had a fucking broken arm, and broken elbow, and that his pain hurt like a mother fucking bitch slap on an Alaskan cold winter day, from a Pimp to his Ho.

(tape ends.)

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