I recently was running home from work from the subway station at night, and I was cutting my way through the neighborhood to get to Sunset. I reached Sunset at Las Palmas, where there is a crosswalk, but not with lights, just a crosswalk. I looked both way to see that there were no cars for a distance, so I proceeded. As I was slowly jogging across there was a car in the far lane that was approaching pretty quickly and not slowing down and we were about to meet. Because I wasn't about to slow down so I can let him pass. It slowled down but not to a stop and as I got to the lane as it was fastly approaching, I snapped my fingers right at my side and whipped my neck, and went, "Hey" with my left leg lifting up for a slight skip. The car then stopped to a halt until I passed and then speeded off. Thinking back, I wondered why my instinctual reaction was to snap my fingers like I was aparted of the Jets in West Side Story.

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